Becoming a Supporter
Financial contributions support:
A 100% volunteer-run organization
A great, free trail experience
Ski trails that allow local cross-country ski programming at the Shaganappi Point Golf Course to run ski lessons, adaptive ski programming, etc.
Local snowshoeing and fat biking opportunities
Active lifestyles and the outdoor community
100% of your donation goes towards improving the cross-country skiing and other winter recreational opportunities at Shaganappi Point Golf Course
Individuals: Donate What You Can
eTransfer shagtreasurer AT gmail DOT com (Preferred, as there are no fees involved but these donations are not tax deductible)
Tax-deductible donations to SNO using the Nordiq Alberta website
We would like to recognize our donors to show our appreciation. Please e-mail us after your donation if you don't want your first name and initial listed as a donor.
Business and Group Sponsors
Green Wax Sponsor $250
Your business logo and link on our website
You can display the SNO logo on your website
Blue Wax Sponsor $500
Your Business logo and link on our website
You can display the SNO logo on your website
1 sponsored grooming update with your business logo and link
Purple Wax Sponsor $1,000
Your Business logo and link on our website
You can display the SNO logo on your website
2 sponsored grooming updates with your business logo and link
One dedicated social media post about your business
Klister Sponsor $2,500
Your Business logo and link on our website
You can display the SNO logo on your website
5 sponsored grooming updates with your business logo and link
Two dedicated social media post about your business
Corporate Sponsors: Ways to Donate
eTransfer shagtreasurer AT gmail DOT com (100% of your donation goes towards SNO)
Tax-deductible donations to SNO using the Nordiq Alberta website
Current Sponsors