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December 15 update: Chinook Glaze is still here; selective grooming of some trails; think if you sink; pictures from Dec 14th!

Two passes of the YTS bedframe-shaped drag-groomer trying to get rid of all the ruts! It took 8 passes for this lane of grooming to level the trail again.

Chinook Glaze is what we have in December so far... unfortunately, due to the 12+ day Chinook Calgary has experienced since December 2nd. 

Think if you sink!!!   If you are sinking into the snow, please turn around and go home,  return a different day when the snow is frozen and supportive.  Sunken footprints, ski tracks, bike tracks, and even sunken snowshoe tracks are all very labour intensive for SNO volunteers to repair. 

Selective Grooming: We are selectively grooming some areas of the trail systems where there is more snow.  We are opting for snow retention in other areas that have less snow coverage, leaving the Chinook Glaze and not grooming for now.  Carefully read the reports for each trail system listed below.

XC Ski Trails:  Skate ski lanes were groomed in selective sections of the ski trail system Saturday the 14th evening, check the green lines on the Nordic Pulse map, or read the details below.   Track setting won't be redone until there is new snow, in a significant amount.  Expect the track setting to be icy everywhere.

Skate lane grooming was completed on:

Junction  1-7, then Junction 7-6 using the east bypass to Condo Alley; Junction 9 - 10; Junction 6- Westgate Corner (out and return); Junction 6 - 10; Driving range loop.  

All other ski trails are not recommended for skiing as they will be icy with exposed rock, asphalt, and in one case an exposed pipe! (Junction 5 - 4).

Click here to see the trail map.

Walking trails: The yellow pin-flagged walking trail surfaces are supportive and hard if temperatures were below zero overnight.  Very walkable!  Beware there may be some icy sections, footwear with additional grip is advisable.

Snowshoe/fat bike trails: 

If it warms up and your tires are sinking, please please PLEEEASE turn around and go home, because sunken tire tracks are very labour intensive for SNO volunteers to repair.

Green Snowshoe/fat bike trails:   The green pin-flagged novice trail system was Bachler packed December 8th using an extra 250lbs of weight, and should be supportive and grippy snow as long as temperatures were below zero overnight.   Studded tires are recommended.

Blue snowshoe/fat bike trails:  The blue pin-flagged intermediate trail system is in good shape with the exception of sunken footprints from the driving range start.  Similar to the ski and green trail systems, if the temperature was below zero overnight, the trails will likely be hard and supportive.  Studded tires are recommended.

More pictures from December 14th are below:

Sunken canine footprints are a hazard on ski trails, these ones went right to the ground, exposing the grass. Dogs are not allowed at Shaganappi, click the FAQ tab above for the reasons why.

Chinook Glaze along the Driving Range Loop - YUUUUCK!!!
Sunken footprints on the ski trail from Junction 6 to Westgate corner; one pass of the YTS bedframe drag-groomer; it took 3 - 5 passes to get rid of the footprints.
Driving range loop with a resident Coyote in the foreground.

Full Moon over the Driving Range Loop December 14, 2024

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