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December 17 update: marginal ski conditions, all trails groomed are likely fast & icy. No Fat bikes


We are happily back to cold temperatures for a few days! A volunteer was out for 6.5 hours Saturday evening grooming all ski trails, another volunteer was working on and assessing conditions on the shared Snowshoe and Fat Bike trail system.

Ski trails:

Expect ski trails to be fast and icy with variable snow coverage and many hazards that can be dangerous to skiers. Marginal is the descriptor due to the very low amount of snow on ski trails and melt/freeze cycles which means this is like spring skiing or early season ski conditions. There are many hazards on trails such as branches, rocks, tree roots, asphalt, grass, bumps, ditches, uneveen surfaces, and now ice, all due to the lack of snow, snow loss, and Chinook melt/freeze cycles. Snow coverage is variable with the more sheltered trails retaining snow more. We definitely need a few snow angels using scoop shovels to move snow onto the ski trails!

Bare spots are various and some are unpredictable, however many include asphalt along the Bow Trail corridor at corners with trees which act as heat sinks, and other heat sinks / esposed areas around the ski trail system have also melted down to the underlying rocks and asphalt or tree roots/grass such as the bottom of Condo Alley, and the trail between junction 4 and 5.

8th Ave walk-through entrance is now open, the other two walk-through entrances are not, we need chains for both.

Walkers/e-motor bikes (!)

Please, if you see walkers or bikers on ski trails, stop and say hi. Remark on the nice day, then gently let them know because volunteers maintain the ski trails, it would be really helpful if the walkers walk on the outside edges of the ski trail system and bikers stay on the blue and green pin-flagged shared snowshoe and fat bike trail system. Ruts from foot prints and sunken bike tires damage trails, freeze in place , and then become a safety hazard to skiers.

Snowshoe/Fat Bike shared trails

Snowshoers, we need you! Ideally out on the green pin-flagged trail system which is the novice trails. We also need a LOT of snow moved onto the bare spots on trails with scoop shovels because right now, we don't want fat bikers on the trails because the tires and studded tires will damage turf. The cold temps give us a reprieve and will hopefully finish freezing the ground, however as soon as the next Chinook hits, the trails will go soft in sun exposed heat sink areas. We don't anticipate fat biking being available until all trails are snow covered and frozen.

if you haven't already, please consider financially supporting SNO by becoming a Friend of SNO and/or a Donor.... SNO has yearly operating costs and also a long wish list for improved and updated equipment and machinery (like a second and wider drag-groomer....and storage buildings.... maybe lights in the driving range....oh, the list is long!).

Keep up the snow and cold weather dancing!!!

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