Picture from the archives from roller grooming....
Groomer's Summary: Most ski trails were roller packed today by one volunteer with the exception of the inner loop (junction 3-4-5) and the expert loop north of the driving range. Hazards like rocks and asphalt are just below the snow, ski with caution. Skiers today were having fun, though!
Fat biking likely will be soft until we get the new snow packed down and it sets up (hardens in place)...so is not recommended. Expect drifting and variable conditions, as ice is just below the snow. - If you sink, please turn around and go home, as trail damage from sunken tracks takes a lot of work for volunteers to repair.
We're back on Nordic Pulse, snowshoe and fat bike trails, too!
February 5th:
Cross-country ski trail grooming: Most trails roller groomed
Cross-country ski trail tracksetting: None
Fat bike and snowshoe trail grooming: None
Groomer's Ratings (Underlined and Bolded Apply):
Classic Cross-Country Skiing: Not Recommended | Marginal | Average | Good | Excellent
Skate Skiing: Not Recommended | Marginal | Average | Good | Excellent
Fat Biking: Not Recommended | Marginal | Average | Good | Excellent
Snowshoeing: Not Recommended | Marginal | Average | Good | Excellent
Trail Condition Descriptors (Underlined Apply):
Ski Trail Snow Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%
Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%
Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Rutting/Soft Snow: 5% | 10% | 25% | >50% 100%
Low Snow Areas: N NW NE E SE S SW W
Snow Type: New Snow | Hard Packed | Snow Over Grooming | Packed Powder | Powder | Drifting | Wind Crust | Spring Conditions | Glazed | Wet | Corn Snow | Slush
For additional photographs of conditions, go to the SNO Instagram.
Chinook Blast has been Rescheduled for February 10th and 11th!!!
Join SNO for a celebration of winter sports at Shaganappi Golf Course February 10th and 11th from 10 am to 2 pm! Free ski/fat bike skills clinics; free fat bike/ski/snowshoe bike demos; free coffee tastings; and trail advice and membership info from SNO volunteers. This is going to be our biggest event ever and all trail users are invited!
Volunteer as a Snow Farming Lead or Snow Farmer!!
Help the community and have fun volunteering with SNO by moving snow onto trails with a scoop shovel or the snowblower!
Low time commitment, self scheduling possible
Weekly snow harvesting sessions when conditions and volunteer capacity allows
Lead role:
Working with the Board to develop a snow farming plan and follow the plan that has been approved by Golf Course Operations
Planning and organize snow farming sessions
Contacting Volunteer Coordinator to recruit farmers and organize sessions
Providing updates to the Grooming Coordinator and Grooming Leads
Updating the website with areas farmed and areas needing farming
Shovelling snow onto low snow areas; potentially use the snow blower for snow harvesting; possibly look at Snowmaking for 2024/2025!
Following City of Calgary guidance for snow harvesting and SNO health and safety protocols
Groomer's Ratings Classification: Groomer's ratings are based on "typical" conditions at Shaganappi. Excellent = Best conditions of the season, perfect coverage, awesome traction and grip, Good = Above-average snow pack, traction, etc., Average = Typical conditions, Poor = Thin snow cover and frequent low snow areas for skiing, difficult traction