Quick update - cross country ski trails were groomed Sunday morning, then a volunteer spent the day and evening breaking and redoing the track setting, filling in a spot or two with snow by shovel. We will have scoop shovels in strategic places around Shaganappi, feel free to stop and move snow onto thin areas of trail when you're out! A volunteer will finish track setting the lower expert loop and Condo Alley workaround early this morning, then they will regroom the skate lanes.
FBSS trails (shared fat bike & snowshoe trails): The pink loop is great when it's firm, in cold conditions...then things soften. Reports from users Sunday mentioned the brown loop is drifted in spots such as around the driving range fencing, a volunteer will try to Bachler pack it this morning after they finish the ski trail work mentioned above.
The grooming and track setting was beautiful to do last night with the sunset followed by the full moon, and the chance to glimpse some urban wildlife such as the resident coyotes and snowshoe hares.
Get out while the snow lasts!
Track setting Sunday daytime:

Hmmm...what wild creature made this track??? Had me fooled for quite a bit....

Track setting continued into Sunday evening....

Full moon! Aroooooooooo!