Picture of the snowmobile and Bachler trail groomer on the green loop of the shared snowshoe and fat bike trail system from today.
The new snow is nice, but dry from the cold spell and isn't bonding with the old snow and ice yet. There are some sections of skiing with great snow, quickly followed by some spots with ice and bare spots around Shaganappi due to the wind scouring and lengthy Chinook, respectively. Skiing is poor to marginal, as some areas will be dangerous when travelling at speed due to the rocks/tree roots/asphalt just under the surface. The shared snowshoe and fat bike trails are in good shape for riding, with a bit of ice here and there, studded tires are recommended for fat bikes. Snowshoeing will be poor due to the packed down snow not requiring snowshoes to travel on, and icy spots.
January 16, 3pm update:
Cross-country ski trail grooming: All ski trails were roller groomed this afternoon.
Cross-country ski trail tracksetting: None
Fat bike and snowshoe trail grooming: Trails have been Bachler packed almost completely , even most of the blue trails in the woods. There are some short sections with 'death ice' underneath which were fairly easy to see ahead of time.
Groomer's Ratings (Underlined and bolded Apply):
Classic Cross-Country Skiing: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent
Skate Skiing: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent
Fat Biking: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent
Snowshoeing: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent
Trail Condition Descriptors (Underlined Apply):
Ski Trail Snow Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%
Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%
Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Rutting/Soft Snow: 5% | 10% | 25% |25%-30% >50%
Low Snow Areas: N NW NE E SE S SW W
Snow Type: New Snow | Hard Packed | Snow Over Grooming | Packed Powder | Powder | Drifting | Wind Crust | Spring Conditions | Icy/Glazed | Wet | Corn Snow | Slush *Wind scoured in places
For additional photographs of conditions, go to the SNO Instagram.
Memberships: Thank you to the 64 households that became paid members for the 2023-2024 winter so far!!! We are that much closer to reaching our goal of 200 paid memberships, which will allow SNO to be financially self-sustaining. (Think gasoline, equipment maintenance, and a savings fund for future equipment and machinery upgrades.) Thank you for your support and consider becoming a member if you haven't had a chance yet!
Groomer's Ratings Classification: Groomer's ratings are based on "typical" conditions at Shaganappi. Excellent = Best conditions of the season, perfect coverage, awesome traction and grip, Good = Above-average snow pack, traction, etc., Average = Typical conditions, Poor = Thin snow cover and frequent low snow areas for skiing, difficult traction
Winter Walking: There are many places in the City to walk in the winter and we recommend the world-class multi-use pathway network throughout the city. Please do not walk on Shaganappi trails so that we can maintain great conditions at one of the few places in the City of Calgary where everyone can ski, fat bike, and snowshoe for free. If you want to go on a walk at Shaganappi, consider snowshoeing on the fat bike/snowshoe trails instead so that great trail conditions can be maintained for everyone.