Skate lanes were groomed! Track setting was redone on trails where the snow coverage is still deep enough for grooming and track setting, we've had to move to the shallower track setter on some trails. The endless January Chinook definitely hit the ski trails, as well as the sublimation from the warm winds and microclimates caused by the sun hitting the south facing trees and asphalt or shale cart paths under the snow on some trail sections.
Considering the above and the fact that Calgary hasn't received any measurable snow since the third week of December, the skiing is actually really good at Shaganappi.
Two volunteers were out grooming the skate lanes and redoing the track setting Saturday night. Alasdair's Alley (junction 1 to 8) along with junction 8 to 9 and those central trails are in good shape with a thin section here and there. The Bow trail loop is still skiable and in good shape (not skiable from junction 1 to 2).
Trails to avoid:
Condo Alley (trail between junctions 6 & 7 ) is not recommended. The trail will be icy, and the bottom of the hill has the shale cart path rocks melting through by the sun heating up the rocks, even on these cold days.
Trail between junctions 1 & 2: due to the fact that the snow has been plowed away on part of the ski trail to enable contractor access to the pump house by the Valley 5 green. This trail may not be salvageable unfortunately, not without a LOT of volunteer work moving snow back onto the trail.
Westgate corner: (SW corner of the golf course) Westgate corner is bare and done for the season unless we get a good March snowfall. No point fighting nature on that one. There is a workaround nearby that is skiable that takes skiers down to the straight away from Westgate corner to junction 5 or 6.
Volunteer hours on snow last night: (total of 6.5; 9.5 for the day)
Volunteer #1: Skate lane grooming: 3 hours; 0.5 hours putting in track setting with the shallow track setter (Tidd Tech)
Volunteer #2: Track setting breaking, followed by multiple passes breaking-up the snow into sugary snow that would take the track setting: 3 hours
Volunteer hours on snow in the morning: (total of 3)
Volunteer #2 (same person as above): 3 hours breaking the old track-setting and redoing the track along Alasdair's Alley (junction 1 to 8) east to west; track-breaking the old track setting on other trails in preparation for the evening's redo of the track setting.