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January 7, 2023: Shaganappi Fat Bike Trail Update

Writer's picture: shaganappi-nordicshaganappi-nordic

Groomer's Summary:

Date and Time:

  • Fat bike and snowshoe trail grooming: 7-Jan-23 (Green loop in the western portion; no grooming completed for the blue loop to the east)

  • Ski trails: The driving range loop was groomed but not track set on January 7th. More cross-country ski trail track packing is expect to be completed tomorrow by two volunteers. Expect poor conditions until we get volunteer scoop shovellers putting snow onto the trail system bare spots or we get more snow. Stay tuned for another update on ski conditions in the near future!

Groomer's Ratings (Underlined Apply):

  • Fat Biking: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent

  • Snowshoeing: Poor | Average | Good | Excellent

Trail Condition Descriptors (Underlined Apply):

  • Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Coverage: <60% | 60% | 70% | 80% | 90% | 100%

  • Fat Bike & Snowshoe Trail Rutting/Soft Snow: 0% | 10% | 25% | >50%

  • Snow Type: New Snow over some ice, studs recommended

For additional photographs of conditions, go to the SNO Instagram.

Memberships: Thank you to the 62 people who became paid members in the 2022-2023 season! We are that much closer to reaching our goal of 200 paid members, which will allow SNO to be financially self-sustaining. Thank you for your support and consider becoming a member if you haven't had a chance yet!

Groomer's Ratings Classification: Groomer's ratings are based on "typical" conditions at Shaganappi. Excellent = Best conditions of the season, perfect coverage, awesome traction and grip, Good = Above-average snow pack, traction, etc., Average = Typical conditions, Poor = Thin snow cover and frequent low snow areas for skiing, difficult traction


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