Two volunteers spent a collective 8 hours grooming the trail systems Tuesday evening. EDIT: two volunteers spent a collective 8.5 hours grooming and track setting the ski trails Wednesday!
Ski trails: Skate ski lanes were roller groomed Tuesday evening , the track setting is now under the new snow that fell Tuesday. Skate skiing may be a bit soft Wednesday. Overall snow coverage is great thanks to these recent weather systems depositing new snow. Snow coverage likely will remain good until the next Chinook melt/freeze cycle, especially if there are winds associated with it. We miiight be able to put in some new track setting Wednesday, depending on volunteer capacity. EDIT: track setting was completed on all ski trails by super track setting volunteer Finn Wednesday morning!!!
FBSS: Snowshoeing will be fantastic until the next long Chinook melt/freeze cycle hits, so get out while it's great! The pink and brown pin flagged shared fat bike and snowshoe loops (FBSS) likely will be soft Wednesday. The FBSS trails were Bächler packed Tuesday evening, fingers crossed they will harden up for bikers overnight. Ideally fat bikers wait another day so the trails can properly set up. The brown loop is quite soft in places, especially along the escarpment west of the ravine bridge, that section of trail would benefit from some shovel work or a group of snowshoers trampling down the soft spots.
Fat Bike end of season event!
Join SNO for a fat biking celebration at Shaganappi Golf Course March 4th from 11am to 2pm! Free fat bike demos, skills sessions, and Costumes are encouraged, for fun... More details can be found by clicking here. (There might even be a best costume prize!)
Winter season extended two weeks!!! (so far)
Due to the recent snowfall, Shaganappi's last day of winter operations has been extended to March 19th!!! The winter operations closing date may be extended again, depending on weather and overall snow coverage at the golf course....
Memberships and Donations: if you haven't already, please consider becoming a SNO paid member to help this non profit become more financially self sustaining by reaching our goal of 200 paid memberships. It costs approximately $5K to $7K to run winter operations at Shaganappi each year. Thank you to the 54 households who have become paid members in 2023, and the two who have joined since February 24th!
Alternatively, one can choose a one time donation if that works better, and corporate donations will be very happily accepted too, of course!
Fat bike & snowshoe trail system pin flags and Bachler drag groomer:

Roller grooming:
