Ski trails:
All skate lanes were groomed this morning by a grooming volunteer with the exception of the expert loop as the trails were softening fast...thanks, Finn!!!
All trails:
Expect typical spring conditions: if there were freezing temperatures overnight, expect hard and icy and fast in the morning, in the shade, and also on cloudy/cold days; with the snow softening in the sun and warm temperatures as the day progresses. Plan the timing of your spring recreation accordingly, and fat bikers, only choose to ride at Shag if it's hard and frozen, please! Practice good trail stewardship and etiquette!!!
Shared fat bike & snowshoe trails (FB/SS): These trail systems are basically done unless it froze hard overnight. There is a lot of grass, breakable ice, wet and soft throughout, and bikers are washing out all over the place. Bikers, please practice good trail stewardship and etiquette!!! If the trails are soft and your tires are leaving ruts or damaging the ground, get off, turn around and walk your bike back to where you started, and go home. Fat biking is a privilege, not a right, especially if bikers are going to damage the trails, or damage the ground and thus the environment!
Today is the last day of winter operations at Shaganappi, so get out for some fun before we are shut down!
Having said that, if the forecasted snow arrives, we may ask the City if they want to extend public access at Shaganappi another week or not, stay tuned to these updates and we will let you know!