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Oct 25 update: SNOw is here...but wait, don't go to any golf courses please!!!


Winter has made its presence known in Calgary with the season's first snowfall, heralding the arrival of snowy days and icy roads. However, as we embrace the winter season, we have an important update concerning Calgary's golf courses and their accessibility for skiing.

Calgary's golf courses, including private ones, have officially closed for the winter and will remain so throughout the season. These spaces are now off-limits for golfing, skiing and any other public access. This closure is vital because the courses are in a delicate state, and the winterization process is still underway. While skiing on these grounds may be tempting, it's crucial that we stay off them, including greens and fairways, to expedite the necessary preparations.

The golf community has reached out to us with a simple request: kindly refrain from accessing any golf courses in Calgary, and the same likely applies to other courses you may come across. The grass hasn't entered its dormant phase yet, the ground is not frozen yet, and the non-native grasses on the greens are particularly susceptible. Skiing on these grounds at this stage could lead to damage and potential harm to the grass, affecting their future growth.

For skiing enthusiasts, we recommend exploring public parks like Bowness and North and South Glenmore parks. However, we urge caution as skiing in these areas can be risky due to the absence of a solid snow-pack base at this early stage of the season. Hidden obstacles like rocks and tree roots could pose a danger to you and permanently damage ski bases, so be sure to exercise vigilance.

By respecting these golf course closures, you actively contribute to the preservation of these valuable green spaces, expedite their readiness for the winter season, and ensure their health for summer startup.

Ski trails will not be groomed until there is an adequate minimum amount of snow on the ground to compact and run machines on without damaging the machines and the ground, and also a long range forecast for cold temperatures. There is a two week Chinook forecasted for Calgary starting Monday, so although the snow is nice, the time for xc ski trail grooming isn't here yet.

Rest assured, these spaces will open to the public when the time is right, and we share in the excitement for that moment!!


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