Happy Friday! Here's an update as we head into the weekend:
With the first Chinook on the horizon (up to +10 degrees next week!) we are organizing snow farming parties at 10am and 1pm both Saturday and Sunday. If you are available, sign up here for whichever time(s) work best! We have a limited amount of scoop shovels that can be used to move snow onto ski trails. Depending on volunteer capacity we may also be able to move snow with our snowblower and trailer, many hands make light work!
As for conditions:
Keep in mind the porta potties have not been moved to the main parking lot yet, and beware of the resident Coyotes SNO volunteers have seen at Shaganappi. (Please, no dogs at Shag)
XC ski trails:
Trails were groomed and track set on Tuesday night and the skate ski lanes will likely get refreshed Saturday morning. Conditions range from excellent to poor depending on snow cover and sun exposure but are generally good for this time of year. The two snow farming volunteer nights this week have helped put a deeper base along three sections of the golf cart path under the ski trail that runs parallel to Bow Trail. Please remember to ski with care, especially when skiing on winter trails that run over the top of gravel or paved golf cart paths.

Track setting along Condo Alley on Tuesday night
Shared snowshoe and Fat bike trails:
The beginner/novice green pin-flagged trails were first snowmobile track packed then snowmobile groomed and are two passes wide is most places. The blue pin-flagged trails have been snowmobile groomed one or two passes wide - expect slightly softer conditions on the blue trails. Fatbiking will be a go for this weekend, enjoy it before the warm temperatures hit as conditions will deteriorate rapidly! There is plenty of untracked snow for snowshoeing along the trails, or snowshoe on the packed trail!
Dedicated walking trails:
The yellow pin-flagged walking trails west of the clubhouse have also been snowmobile-groomed and will be a bit soft from the low-density snow. Go out and enjoy them! We hope to snowmobile pack and groom the yellow-flagged trail that starts at the driving range and travels toward the Quarry Road trail entrance.
Thank you to our volunteers!
We are 100% volunteer-run and would not be able to offer the recreation opportunities we do if it weren't for the thousands of hours put in by our volunteers throughout the year! We are also always looking for keen volunteers to help us out with our operations! Visit the volunteer page for more information.