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New pilot project:
A dedicated walking trail system for 2024/2025!
Note: DOGS are not allowed at City of Calgary golf courses.
(See the FAQ page to learn why SNO prefers no dogs at Shaganappi.)
The shared fat biking/snowshoe trail system is made possible in part by financial support from Bow Cycle!
Beginner/intermediate trails are on the southwestern part of the golf course, marked by green pin flags and are best accessed from the parking lot just north and west of the clubhouse.
Intermediate/advanced trails are on the east and northern side of the golf course and are marked by blue pin flags. For fat biking, riders recommend it is best to travel the blue pin flagged trail system counter clockwise, starting at the entrance by the southeastern corner of the main parking lot at the southern end of the driving range fence/netting.
Please note that due to safety reasons, fat biking (and all other non-golf activity) is a winter-only activity at the Shaganappi Point golf course.
Use the Winter Fat Biking Layer for Optimal Viewing